A downloadable game

Illumy is a RPG game where your main goal is to achieve spiritual enlightenment and get rid of the cycle of birth, rebirth and reincarnation (samsara). The game is in real time, you will have a real life where you must achieve your goal before you die. Obviously, the days are 24 hours long in the game, and you have to meditate daily in real life (and in the game at the same time) to increase your chances of enlightenment. You will have many choices throughout the day and throughout your life, which will define whether you will become enlightened or not. You'll adopt an ascetic lifestyle, and you'll have to be a nomad, begging for your only daily meal. As your master, you will have Dypendre, who will guide you and pass on as much knowledge as possible, which will also be useful in real life. The game is 2D and will keep you hooked, you'll want to play more and more.